Friday, October 29, 2010

Bicentennial Man Blog Prompts

The most important laws of robotics?
The first most important law of robotics is never harm a human always respect the humans. The second most important law is a robot must obey human orders. The third most important law is robot must protect itself except were it conflicts with the first law and second law. These laws are really important because if robots did not have no laws robots would do what ever they want. The laws are important because robots could not break any rules. 

Treatment of AI? alive ? why or why not? Owned why or why not?
I think AI is not alive because its a robot and robots are just machines they don't have all the organs that humans have. If people think machines are alive that's because they get so close with the robots. For example if you have a pet and the pet is really close to you your going to treat the animal just like a person. For example in the movie Andrew gets so close to the family that they treat him like a human not like a machine. It should be owned because it was free maybe the robots would get out of hand.

Are robots human? should they get a chance to get married?
I think robots are a peace of machine and humans are humans so robots should consider a robot. If robots get so close to a human and are immortal robots will miss their owners. For example in the movie Andrew could not consider himself as a human because he does not have human things like blood or bones or a brain. They should not get married because if a women wants a child they could not get one because they are not humans.

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